martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Reutilizando códigos en arquitectura como mecanismos de información y conocimiento. Por Pablo C. Herrera

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Pablo C. Herrera 2013 (pp. 238-253)
Herrera, P. (2013). Reutilizando códigos en arquitectura como mecanismos de información y conocimiento: De la programación escrita a la visual. En D. Rodriguez; M. Tosello; D. Sperling (Eds.). Didáctica Proyectual y entornos digitales: Prácticas y reflexiones en escuelas latinoamericanas de Arquitectura y Diseño. Valparaiso: Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Patrones en la Enseñanza de la Programación en Arquitectura. Por Pablo C. Herrera

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Patrones en la Enseñanza de la Programación en Arquitectura por Pablo C. Herrera
SIGraDi 2013 (pp. 555-559), UTFSM. Valparaiso, Chile. Noviembre 20-22. "Patrones en la Enseñanza de la Programación en Arquitectura: De la Hetero-­Educación a la Auto-Educación en Latinoamérica".

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Reutilizando códigos como mecanismo de información y conocimiento

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Reutilizando códigos como mecanismo de información y conocimiento
Proceedings. SIGraDi 2012. Paper by Pablo C. Herrera, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

ALGODE 2011 International Symposium on Algorithmic Design for Architecture and Urban Design

March 14-18, 2011. Tokio, Japan.
March 12: Symposium Postponed. We have been getting many reports and inquiries about the earthquake and travel information in and out of Japan. ALGODE Organizing committee has been monitoring the situation carefully and has now decided to postpone ALGODE 2011.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming (2011)

Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (20 May 2011)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0470746416
ISBN-13: 978-0470746417

While many designers are now aware of scripting's potential, it is still seen as a difficult arena to enter. Scripting Cultures treats scripting not only as a technical challenge that requires clear description, guidance, and training, but also, and more crucially, it answers why the designer would script in the first place and what the cultural and theoretical implications are. The book also refers readers to a website where they are able to download all the code, explanations, and tutorials to assist with the worked examples.

martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

Who is using Rhinoscripting / Grasshopper?

Between 2008 and 2010 we registered in the RS blog a total of 102.500 visits from different regions of the world. The preferences results were variable and they can be grouped in three categories:
  • those with ascending preferences (US, Canada, Central America and Asia)
  • those with descending preferences (Europe and South America)
  • those with stable references (Australia)

Rhinoscripting Resources users by year (2008-2010)
Comparing one year of access between RS and GH (2008-2009)

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Neil Leach USC (Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010)

Neil Leach (USC) at the DigitalCrafting Seminar 3 from CITA on Vimeo.
Lecture at the Danish Technological Institute- Copenhagen - 20.08.2010 in the frame of the DigitalCrafting Research Network.

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010

The theme, ’Machinic Processes’, refers not only to new digital fabrication processes, such as CNC milling and 3-D printing, but also to the innovative use of new parametric and algorithmic design techniques. Since 2004 the adoption of these techniques in China has been rapid. The design of buildings such as the Birds Nest stadium would not have been feasible without the use of new parametric modeling techniques and Building Information Modeling software. Meanwhile, although the construction industry in China has relied heavily on manual labor in the past, digital fabrication technologies are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the construction of buildings throughout China, and are set to play an even more significant role in the future. (Source)
Curators: Neil Leach / Xu Weiguo
West Coast (curator: Elena Manferdini)
UK (curator: Alisa Andrasek)
China (curator: Xu Feng)
East Coast (curator: David Ruy)
Australia (curator: Roland Snooks)
Europe (curator: Marta Malé-Alemany)
Asia (curator: Lisa Iwamoto)
Latin America (curator: Matias del Campo)
International (curator: Francois Roche)
Machinic Processes
Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010

Exhibition: Oct. 15 - Oct. 20, 2010
Opening Ceremony: 19:00, Oct. 15, 2010
Location: 798 Space, Beijing
Conference: Oct. 16 , 2010, Beijing DongHuangKaili Hotel(NO.16 Guangshun Nan Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Curators: Neil Leach / Xu Weiguo

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture 2010-2011

Fecha límite de preinscripción: 31 de octubre de 2010.
El Máster Universitario en Arquitectura Biodigital de la UIC se creó el año 2000 como un programa de postgrado pionero, el primero en tratar sobre la arquitectura entendida desde puntos de vista biológicos y digitales, el primero en hacer converger de manera sistemática a los fundadores del organicismo digital, la nueva vanguardia del siglo XXI.
Así, estando dentro del contexto de la Línea de Investigación “Arquitecturas Genéticas” de la ESARQ (Escuela Superior de Arquitectura), se pone especial atención al nuevo proyectar cibernético-digital y ecológico-medioambiental, para desarrollar conceptos como genético y generativo, la idea de emergencia dentro del mundo natural y digital, biomímesis, bioaprendizaje, morfogénesis, etc.
Los resultados del Master Universitario han sido publicado en Arquitecturas Genéticas I (2004), II (2006) y III (2010)
More information: CataláEspañol / English

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

SPECULATIS workshop application deadline JUNE 25th

The deadline for applications for the SPECULATIS workshop has been extended to JUNE 25th, 2010!!  To apply, contact:

SPECULATIS is a workshop that introduces and explores techniques of algorithmic design and fabrication integrated with interactive components. The platform integrates seminars and construction of a design piece at natural scale - a working chandelier - as a means of investigating different techniques and potentials present in the intersection of morphological discovery through algorithmic processes, fabrication technologies, and interactivity modulation. 
The workshop will be held July 10-17th in Oporto, Portugal. Please find attached our advertising poster and press release. We thank you in advance for helping divulge this initiative. 

For general information, questions:
For applications/registration:

Thank you!
Best regards,

Ezio Blasetti, ahylo :: Carla Leitao, aumstudio :: with OPO'Lab

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

TheVeryMany Practice/Lab/Factory

Image: Marc Fornes
"I have now been posting personal work about computational morphologies on since 2005 – it is now finally time to work on a new skin for THEVERYMANY™ and also update many yet non published projects."
"Note: that new website is still a Work In Progress - pages are susceptible of changes – therefore links also - so for the time being please only direct to /"
Marc Fornes

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Bill Mitchell, former dean of MIT's School of Architecture and Planning, dies at age 65

from MIT News by Scott Campbell and Ellen Hoffmane

Photo Credit: Webb Chappell, 1997
Born in 1944 and raised in rural Australia, Mitchell received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Melbourne, a Master of Environmental Design from Yale and a Master of Arts from Cambridge. He was a Fellow of both the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of six honorary doctorates. In 1997 he was awarded the annual Appreciation Prize of the Architectural Institute of Japan; he also chaired the National Academies Committee on Information Technology and Creativity. 

Before coming to MIT, Mitchell was the G. Ware and Edythe M. Travelstead Professor of Architecture and director of the Master in Design Studies Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He also served as head of the Architecture/Urban Design Program at UCLA's Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning and taught at Yale, Carnegie-Mellon and Cambridge Universities. 

Mitchell was a prolific author. In his most recent book, Reinventing the Automobile, co-authored with Christopher Borroni-Bird and Lawrence Burns (MIT Press, 2010), Mitchell reimagines the automobile for the 21st century, proposing that today's cars follow the same basic design principles as the Model T: they are well suited for conveying multiple passengers over long distances at high speeds, but inefficient for providing personal mobility within cities, where most of the world's people now live. 

Other publications include World's Greatest Architect: Making, Meaning and Network Culture (2008); Imagining: Designing a Campus for the Twenty-First Century MIT (2007); Placing Words: Symbols, Space, and the City (2005), Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (2003); e-topia: Urban Life, Jim-But Not As We Know It (1999); High Technology and Low-Income Communities, with Donald A. Schön and Bish Sanyal (1999); City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn (1995); Digital Design Media (1991, 1995); The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era (1992); The Logic of Architecture: Design, Computation, and Cognition (1990); co author at The Electronic Design Studio (1990); con author with J., Robin S. Liggett, and Thomas Kvan, The Art of Computer Graphics Programming: A Structured Introduction for Architects and Designers (1987) and Computer-Aided Architectural Design (1977). [complete list: books/bibliography]. He also served as chair of the Editorial Board at the MIT Press since 1994 and had been a member of the publisher's Management Board since 2000. 

"Bill Mitchell was a very important thinker, truly a pioneer of the future," said Adèle Naudé Santos, current dean of the School of Architecture and Planning. "He played an extremely important role in research at the Media Lab, and because he was such a prolific writer, the significant advances he made will be with us for all time. Our community will be much diminished by his passing." 

"Bill's highly unorthodox approach to re-thinking and re-framing daunting societal problems was the essence of his brilliance," said Frank Moss, director of the Media Lab. "It has significantly impacted my thinking about how one changes the world for the better." 

Mitchell is survived by his wife, Jane Wolfson; a daughter, Emily and son-in-law, Seth Rooder of Brooklyn Heights, NY; a son, Billy of Cambridge; his mother, Joyce of Berwick, Australia; a sister, Mary Close and brother-in-law John Close of Kallista, Australia; his previous wife, Elizabeth Asmis of Chicago; and a loving extended family. 

Donations in his memory may be made to the Learning Prep School at 1507 Washington St., West Newton, MA 02465, where a technology fund will be established in his memory. 

A memorial service will be held at MIT at the new Media Lab Complex, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA, on Wednesday, June 16 at 10 a.m. Private burial services will follow at Mt. Auburn Cemetery. 

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Apomechanes 2010 (Jul 19th - Aug 06th)

Apomechanes is an intensive 3 week computational design studio held each summer in Athens, Greece. The studio is devoted to furthering techniques and concepts of algorithmic processes as means for design and fabrication. apomechanes brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds and fields of study to discuss, exchange and collaborate on projects that investigate modes of algorithmic and machinic processes in architectural design. At present computational techniques are predominantly employed in the optimization, rationalization or surface decoration of more traditionally created wholes. This research instead focuses on the inherent potential of computation to generate space and of algorithmic procedures to engage self-organization in the design process. During the workshop, participants create their own custom algorithms leading to the fabrication of working full-scale prototypes appropriate to their research trajectories. Participants engage closely with computational processes in order to develop an aesthetic and intuition of complexity that resides in a balance between design intent and emergent character.
Coordinators: Pavlos Xanthopoulos :: Ioulietta Zindrou :: Elisavet Antapassi
The studio is organized in 2 parts; the first part is the seminar and it includes a series of lectures on algorithmic design concepts, methodologies and techniques, while the second focuses on project development and fabrication. Apo Mechanes staff will review all applications and succesful applicants will be notified by June 15th. Upon receipt of the letter of acceptance participants will need to pay a 100/150/200 Euro (seminar/workshop/studio) deposit by June 31st to confirm their position.
Algorithmic Design Seminar (Monday 19th July - Monday 26th July)
Algorithmic Design Workshop (Wednesday 28th July - Friday 6th August)
Algorithmic Design Studio (Monday 19th July - Friday 6th August)

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Seminario Sobre Métodos Generativos en Arquitectura y Diseño
ALGOMAD se celebrará los días 1, 2 y 3 de Julio en Barcelona. Consistirá en 4 talleres en paralelo sobre herramientas digitales - Grasshopper, GenerativeComponents, RhinoScript y Processing. La mañana del sábado 3 tendrá lugar la conferencia, punto de encuentro de profesionales, estudiantes y académicos interesados en las técnicas digitales como "algo más que un instrumento".

Día 1. 01/07/2010
09.00 - Inscripción y Registro de Participantes
09.30 - Talleres Grasshopper y Generative Components
13.30 - Comida (por cuenta de los asistentes)
14.30 - Talleres RhinoScript y Processing

Día 2. 02/07/2010
09.30 - Talleres Grasshopper y Generative Components
13.30 - Comida (por cuenta de los asistentes)
14.30 - Talleres RhinoScript y Processing

Día 3. 03/07/2010
09.00 - Inscripción y Registro en la Conferencia
09.30 - - Bienvenida del Comité.
10.00 - Ronda de Presentaciones (I)
11.00 - Café
11.45 - Informe de los Talleres.
12.30 - Ronda de Presentaciones (II)
13.15 - Ronda de Presentaciones (III)
14.00 - Despedida y Clausura.
Mas Información

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Santiago Ortiz: Complejidad-Interacción, (Lima)

Centro Cultural de España (Lima) Jueves 18 de febrero (19:30 hrs.)
Crear con complejidad significa poner del lado de la creación el azar, la emergencia, lo determinable o no, pero impredecible. Significa también usar herramientas normales en el contexto de la ciencia, como la simulación, para crear. La complejidad no es una ciencia sino un puente entre diferentes ciencias, un lenguaje compartido y una mirada particular, en la que la interacción es la generadora de realidad (es decir: patrones, estructuras, significado). Desde estos supuestos es fácil ver cómo la complejidad traspasa la ciencia y toca el arte. Más aun: establece canales para viajar entre uno y otro, para no saber si se está en uno o en otro, para no poder ya discernir la frontera entre los dos. 
En la conferencia, Santiago Ortiz introducirá varios conceptos de la complejidad (sistemas dinámicos, fractales, órbitas, atractores, puntos fijos, autómatas celulares, iteración, redes...) a través de múltiples ejemplos distribuidos entre la ciencia y el arte.
Santiago Ortiz, Matemático, investigador y creador de interfaces digitales de conocimiento. Santiago Ortiz explora las posibilidades de creación y narración colectiva en Internet. Es socio fundador de Bestiario, donde dirige un equipo de investigación -de metodología transdisciplinar- sobre redes sociales, información compleja e interactividad y visualización de datos.
Colabora: ATA /

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Santiago Ortiz: taller de visualización de datos (Lima, Perú)

Teoría (obligatorio): Martes 16, al Viernes 19  - Febrero 2010 (10:00 a 14:00 hrs.)
Horario de Práctica (opcional / flexible): 14:00 pm y 20:00 pm
@ Escuelab (Belén 1044, Piso 5 - Centro  de  Lima)
Gratuito / Cupos limitados / Con inscripción!!!
Inscripciones Aqui!!
El taller está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de la informática, las ciencias naturales, sociales, arquitectura y artes multimediales, etc, interesados en la creación de interfases para la visualización de datos.
Ejemplos de los trabajos realizados por Santiago Ortiz, pueden ser revisados aquí:

Sobre la dinámica del taller
Con un número limitado de participantes (máximo 16) se desarrollará en forma grupal, entre 4 y 6 aplicaciones informáticas funcionales que permitan la visualización de conjuntos complejos de datos. Los datos a visualizar pueden ser estadísticas de todo tipo (demografía, lenguaje, opinión pública, recursos, acceso, transporte, etc...) y pueden referirse ya sea al ámbito local o global. Sin embargo es importante que los conjuntos de datos propuestos se encuentren desde un inicio en un estado de pureza y disponibilidad que permita el desarrollo oportuno de los ejercicios/programas durante el taller (no se recomienda venir al taller a empezar a pensar en los datos a graficar, sino directamente llegar con tablas/colecciones de datos, histogramas, etc...)  
Los prototipos, se implementarán utilizando Action Script, Processing u otros lenguajes de programación que permitan manejo de gráficos a través de código. Por ello daremos inicialmente énfasis a elegir personas que manejen programación hasta completar aproximadamente el 50% de las plazas.
El otro 50% de participantes, debería tener claramente identificada su elección de datos a visualizar y trabajaría en equipo con las personas que dominen la técnica de programación para visualización.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

The Codewriting Workbook (2009)

"(...) More generally, any assemblage of points, lines, surfaces, or volumes could be described by a procedure for generating its coordinates. Such procedures could be "parametrized". This book is for adventures who want to embark on the exciting and rewarding path of meta-design. It introduces the basic principles of computer programming, relates these to the concerns of visual and spatial designers, and provides numerous examples as starting points for further development. It will challenge you to think critically about fundamental design ideas, question your assumptions, and liberate your imagination." -Foreward by William J. Mitchell
The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP by Robert J. Krawczyk
Princeton Architectural Press 2009.
Limited Preview in Books.Google. and Autolisp Function Files and Additional Material.

On Lisp (1993)

On Lisp (Prentice Hall, 1993, 432 pages, paperback. ISBN 0130305529) by Paul Graham is a comprehensive study of advanced Lisp techniques, with bottom-up programming as the unifying theme. It gives the first complete description of macros and macro applications. The book also covers important subjects related to bottom-up programming, including functional programming, rapid prototyping, interactive development, and embedded languages. The final chapter takes a deeper look at object-oriented programming than previous Lisp books, showing the step-by-step construction of a working model of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).
As well as an indispensable reference, On Lisp is a source of software. Its examples form a library of functions and macros that readers will be able to use in their own Lisp programs. Download On Lisp or view using ISSUU.

Algorithmic Aesthetics (1978)

Algorithmic Aesthetics:
Computer Models for Criticism and Design in the Arts
by George Stiny and James Gips
Originally published by University of California Press, 1978.
The copyright was returned to the authors when the book went out of print, so Stiny and Gips are putting the book up on the web for free.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

Patterns and conventions using Rhinoscripting language

Abstract. Two exhibits made evident that complex shapes generated through scripts are the attention focus of both educators and professionals. These projects did not start with traditional representation conventions (front view, plan and cross section) but with biological, geometrical or mathematical references, where patterns are recurrent. Using scripts it is possible to write and represent possibilities; blogs allow the publication of the results. In this context, a blog was created (2008) to publish methods and subjects extracted from workshops and manuals featuring rhinoscripting. During a year more than 57000 users accessed; the results of this documentation are hereby presented. Full paper (only in spanish)

Source: SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 (cumincad). Including 2 pages from my presentation (pp.54 and pp.56)

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Marco Vanucci :: Differential Fields

November 9, 2009 from 9am to 11am
Location: Facoltà di Ingegneria (map) Universita di Bologna
Street: v.le Risorgimento 2. City/Town: Bologna
Source: Ar-ca3 at Bologna University, studio run by Alessio Erioli
More information here
Prof. Alessio Erioli present Theory to Practice Lectures (PDF)

Marco Vanucci is a London-based architect and researcher.
In 2007 he founded OPENSYSTEMS, an architectural research and design studio that explores the emergent interdisciplinary interaction between architecture, engineering, biology and computation.
His understanding of architecture as a problem of engineering material organization focuses his research on the development of an integral and coherent design approach at the intersection of architecture, engineering and computation in the endeavor to develop generative and performative systems.
After his graduation from the Architectural Association in 2004, he was employed by Zaha Hadid where he worked, among other projects, on the new London Aquatic Centre for the Olympics 2012. Marco is currently working at AKT where he found the opportunity to develop his interest for non–linear system organization and all that there is in between architecture and engineering.
Marco has had his work featured in several exhibitions across Europe and North America; he has also participated to numerous conferences and symposia among which Acadia 2008 in Minneapolis. He has been invited as guest critic at the Architectural Association and at Columbia University and delivered several design workshops in Europe.
He currently continues to pursue his personal research, which can be accessed through the blog openSystems.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Design Scripting Workshop at Harvard GSD

November 2 and 3, 19:45 hrs. to 22:15 hr.
Gund Hall 111 Harvard Graduate School of Design.

The Workshop will cover basic programming techniques for the manipulation of 3-D geometry. At the end of the workshop participants will have the tools to confidently use RhinoScript for developing their own plug-ins and exploring design ideas through computation.

Conduced by
Taro Narahara. Doctoral Candidate GSD and guests.
Kenfield Griffith, Ph.D. Candidate, Computation Group, MIT
Daniel Cardoso, Ph.D. Candidate, Computation Group, MIT

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

GENERATE: International Seminar on Algorithmic Architecture

GENERATE: International Seminar on Algorithmic Architecture
Department of Architecture,
University of Oulu, Finland
30th October 2009 website

Architects all over the world are fascinated by algorithmic architecture which uses computer scripting to generate design solutions. Scripts are made out of series of written commands which can be programmed to solve complex geometric problems. Scripts can also be used to generate new, unexpected outcomes as they have the ability to evaluate, process and build on the given commands. In architecture scripting can be used in a variety of ways for different purposes ranging from automation of simple tasks to the management of entire design processes.
Key international speakers include Michael Hensel, David Serero, Luis Fraguada, Martin Tamke and Markus Wikar.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

On The Implementation Of Scripting In Architecture

Reflections From ACADIA 09 by Ted Kimble
Read more here

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

SG Fall Event: Open Platform at TU Delft

The deadline for applications is November 15th.
Training in GenerativeComponents and Grasshopper
Parallel workshop using alternative technologies (C++/OpenGL, RhinoScript, Processing)
To more information please visit the website
To register send an email to
All applicants will be notified on their acceptance on November 18th and to arrange fee payment.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

LaN ON-SITE BARCELONA v2: August 2009

Live Architecture Network :: LaN :: is based in Barcelona, Spain, and will approach the investigation of the urban domain through the use of scripting and digital fabrication.
LaN announces its second ON-SITE:Barcelona workshop with modules to be held August 10-30, 2009. (Past workshop).
  • July 10, 2009: Applications open Apply Online
  • August 7, 2009: Applications Closed
  • August 10-12, 2009: PHASE I - Modules [North America and Barcelona] (1. Rhino Introduction - 12hrs + 2. RhinoFab: Rhino + Fabrication - 12hrs)
  • August 17-22, 2009: PHASE II - Modules [Barcelona @ IaaC] (3. RhinoScript - 20hrs + 4. Parametric Modelling in Rhino: Grasshopper - 20hrs + 5. Introduction to Digital Fabrication - 20hrs + 6. Machining Processes- 20hrs)
  • August 24-30, 2009: PHASE III-Urban Drifts Workshop [Barcelona @ IaaC] (‘Urban Drifts’ Workshop - 40hrs)

:: More information :: Contact :: About LaN: Monika Wittig + Luis Fraguada + Shane Salisbury + James Coleman + CarloMaria Ciampoli + Aaron Willette

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

William J. Mitchell: "Imagine the Algorithm"

ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 Design & Computation Gallery
Los Angeles, California
Introduction, Pages 8-9.
Year of Publication: 2008. ISBN:978-1-60558-344-0
(PDF) ACM Account required

(...) "How do designers create elegantly economical input sequences? By exploiting principles of order. A repetitive design, for example, can be specified very economically by first describing the repeating element, and then giving a “repeat” command with appropriate parameters. This does not take much work on the designer’s part, but it creates a lot of commands for the fabrication device to execute. However, if a design is composed of arbitrarily located random shapes – with no evident order – then the designer’s only option is to specify each shape and location explicitly. This may not result in any more instructions for the fabrication device to execute, but it requires a lot more input from the designer."
(...) "In general though, there is no recipe for creating elegantly simple input to generate extensive and varied fabricated forms, just as there is no recipe for deriving elegantly simple scientific laws that describe widely varied phenomena. In both cases, it takes creative insight into underlying structure."
(...) "Here, then, is a way of critically examining and understanding the artifacts on display in this show. For each one, try to imagine the shortest algorithm that would generate it. Then generalize, and imagine an algorithm that would produce variations on the theme. If you can come up with something clever and cogent, you have achieved a deep understanding of the piece."

lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

TEMP: Rhinoscripting in Chile

Se establecieron las inscripciones para el Workshop:
Valor (in chilean pesos): Hasta el Domingo 26 de Julio
  • $120.000 profesionales (15 cupos)
  • $60.000 estudiantes (15 cupos)
Desde el Lunes 27 de Julio hasta el Sábado 8 de Agosto
  • $150.000 profesionales
  • $75.000 estudiantes
More information

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

WF_094 rhino scripting seminar: July 2009

Workshops Factory_094 rhino scripting seminar: NYC :: July :: 2009
The role of the computer as an integral tool for architecture is rapidly changing. When once it was simply used to create construction documents it is now used as a design aid and in some cases a consultant. This class will offer the opportunity for architects and designers to begin to understand and utilize the algorithmic process as a tool for design by way of Rhinoscript. Scripting is not considered a means to an end but rather a valuable tool used to make certain tasks less tedious and certain decisions more informed.
There are many tools currently available to achieve parametric control of a project. We are choosing Rhinoscipt because of its relatively low cost and high level of resources and documentation. We also feel it is important for our students to come away from the class more comfortable with computer syntax. Learning to understand syntax is a timeless skill which will always be at the core of the algorithmic process. Additionally we feel that scripting is something that is learned overtime with a very “hands on” attitude. This is why we leave ample time between classes for independent investigation.

Workshops Factory (WF) :: Krzysztof Jakub Gornicki :: Dorota Kabała :: Agata Kycia :: Krystian Kwieciński :: Michal Piasecki :: Monika Szawioła :: Erik Thorson.

Class Structure
Classes will be held from 7:30 to 10 on Wednesday nights at 28 west 27th st in Manhattan at Studios GO . Each class will consist of a short lecture, guided example and work session. Scripts will be distributed to provide an example and basis for independent study between classes.
For further information and pricing contact workshops factory : email
with the subject “nyc”. Spaces are limited and people will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Please find the Syllabus

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

TEMP: Marc Fornes en Chile

TEMP, tecnologías, estrategias y metodologías proyectuales, es un evento que se ubica en el encuentro entre la computación, en su veta más profunda, y el diseño. El evento, que ocurrirá en Santiago y Valparaíso, en Agosto de 2009, se compone de un workshop dictado por el arquitecto francés Marc Fornes, y un seminario abierto donde estos temas será explorados en un contexto más transversal.
El workshop se realizará en la ciudad de Valparaíso entre los días 10 y 14 de Agosto, y se enfocará en técnicas de diseño y fabricación digital, enfocándose en "procesos encriptados", trabajando en base a lógicas computacionales, como scripting y diseño mediante algoritmos.
El taller es organizado por BANGS bajo el auspicio de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

Parametric Design Workshop HTWK Leipzig

Leipzig, 26th -29th of June 2009 :: More information WEB
Tutors from: Barcelona: Luis Fraguada :: Ioulietta Zindrou :: Maite Bravo :: Verena Vogler / Bucharest: Dimitrie Stefanescu / Leipzig: Henning Rambow, Patrik Bedarf

domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Algorithmic Aesthetics

Algorithmic Aesthetics:
Computer Models for Criticism and Design in the Arts
by George Stiny and James Gips
Originally published by University of California Press, 1978.
The copyright was returned to the authors when the book went out of print, so we are putting the book up on the web for free.
Despues de estar disponible en imágenes por varios años (TOC) se encuentra disponible la versión en PDF de este clásico de Stiny y Gips.

sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

Alisa Andrasek at Centre Pompidou

Biothing in the permanent collection at the Centre Pompidou
Paris 2009/2010
Work :: Writing :: Publications ::
Public Opening
May, 25th Centre Pompidou :: Levels 04-05.
Congratulations Alisa!.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

Taller de Processing en Chile

  • Sesión 01: Introducción a la Programación.
    Martes 19 de Mayo de 19 a 22 hrs.
  • Sesión 02: Animación e Interactividad.
    Martes 26 de Mayo de 19 a 22 hrs.
  • Sesión 03: Geometría Compleja y Objetos.
    Martes 2 de Junio de 19 a 22 hrs.
    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM
    Edificio P sala 01
    Organiza: Colectivo Bangs

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Algorithms for Visual Design

Algorithms for Visual Design Using the Processing Language
(May, 2009) by Kostas Terzidis
Description :: Table of Contents :: Author Information :: Downloads
Amazon Look Inside :: USA :: UK :: German :: France :: Japan

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2009

Software Studies: Software Takes Command

Software Studies: Software Takes Command
(Nov., 2008) by Lev Manovich
Software Studies initiative
DOWNLOAD THE BOOK: PDF no footnotes :: DOC includes footnotes
Version: November 20, 2008.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

Workshop Rhinoscript at ETSAM (Madrid)

Nuevamente el arquitecto de nacionalidad chilena, Carlos de la Barrera del Grupo de Diseño Emergente presenta los resultados de su taller RhinoScript realizado en el Departamento de Ideación Gráfica Arquitectónica de la ETSAM en España, bajo la coordinación general de Carmen García Reig e Ismael García Rios.
En dos sesiones (15 y 16 de abril), siguieron técnicas desarrolladas en otros talleres de implementación de tecnologías usando programación (como Data Types, Mathematical Operations, Conditionals, Loopings, Arrays, Functions and Advanced Functions, Curves Analisys y Surface Analysis). Gracias a la participación del matemático Antonio Casas, introducen el ultimo día algunos experimentos con ecuaciones paramétricas para la generación de superficies.
Los trabajos se pueden revisar en una galeria publicada por Carlos en la pagina de g.d.e.s.
Créditos: Imagen 1: Pablo Miranda
Mis felicitaciones nuevamente por los resultados.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

WF091 Rhinoscripting Workshop (Poland)

Entre el 3 y el 5 abril bajo la organización de Michal Piasec y el equipo de Workshops Factory (Krzysztof Jakub Gornicki+Dorota Kabała+Agata Kycia+Krystian Kwieciński+Monika Szawioła) se realizó el taller de rhinoscripting y fabricación digital en la Faculty of Architecture at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
Se empleó Rhinoscripting como técnica de diseño generativo para la exploración y fabricación.
Las conferencias iniciales sobre procesos generativos (Piasec), manufactura asistida ordenador (Kabała) y la de gestion del diseño (Kwieciński) sirvieron para que equipos de seis participantes desarrollaran propuestas de mobiliario en escala 1:1.
Los detalles de cada dia a continuación en las galerias creadas por los tutores del taller.
English version by Michal Piasec (html). Día 1 :: Día 2 :: Día 3 :: Videos
Créditos: Imagen 1. Grupo 2. Kama Koska, Ewa Stankiewicz y Marta Walasek. Imagen 2. Michal Piasec.

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

Scripting Voronoi

Entre el 1 y el 5 de noviembre se desarrolló la construcción de una estructura basada en la geometría de voronoi en un área de 13 x 6 metros. En esta construcción temporal, se albergará hasta el 30 de noviembre la exhibición de trabajos académicos de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC. 700 piezas diferentes completan la estructura diseñada utilizando RhinoScripting en todo el proceso, desde la iteración para explorar alternativas, así como para generar las superficies de desarrollo y numeración de piezas para los ensambles. El diseño estuvo a cargo de Natalija Boljsakov, Brian Miller, Pablo C. Herrera y la colaboración especial de Daniel Cardoso. Este proyecto tiene como antecedente el Taller Rhinoscripting Workshop Lima 2008, realizado en la ciudad de Lima en enero último. La exhibición se presenta en la Sala Museo de Oro en Larcomar en la ciudad de Lima.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

ABB 2008 Bejing, China

Architecture Biennial Beijing 2008
(im)material processes: new digital techniques for architecture
Time : 19:00,24 Oct,2008
Location : 798 Space,798 art zone +D·Park 751, Beijing, China

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

ACADIA Grasshopper Workshop Result

Despues de unos dos dias de exploraciones, se publicaron los trabajos realizados en Rhino a través del Grasshopper. Los invito a ver una seleccion de hecha por los organizadores. Link

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008

MIND08 Neri Oxman: Making Difference

Branco Kolarevic escribió Performative Architecture en el 2004, una buena referencia para empezar a involucrarse en el tema. Neri toma las nociones de condiciones basadas en programación y diseño basado en materiales y trata de integrar tanto los factores de comportamiento estructural como del entorno para explorar formas. El resultado nos es otra cosa que la relación del material seleccionado como punto de partida y el contexto en donde será construído. Para ello se vale de tecnologías de análisis como el FEM para interpretar cada una de estas exploraciones y generar formas. Es así que presenta cuatro proyectos que fueron seleccionados por el Museum of Modern Art para ser incluídos en su colección: Monocoque, Raycounting, Subterrain y Cartesian Wax. Conceptos que han sido definidos por Neri en MaterialEcology. SEED Magazine, que organizó la conferencia MIND08 presenta la conferencia en video desde Making Difference.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

26th eCAADe Conference Proceedings

Se encuentran disponibles desde el Cumulative Index of Computer Aided Architectural Design CUMINCAD los trabajos de las conferencias realizadas en la versión 26 de eCAADe, realizado en Bélgica entre el 17 y 20 de septiembre bajo el tema Architecture in Computro. Puede revisar los resumenes de los trabajos, sin embargo para poder descargar el contenido debe pertenecer a una de las cinco asociaciones internacionales sobre el tema, que proveen a esta base de datos con sus conferencias: SIGraDi, ACADIA, eCAADe, CAADRIA y CAADFutures.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008

3D Modelling Symposium Berlin Proceedings

Realizado entre el 7 y el 9 de Abril, ya se encuentran publicadas las conferencias desde la pagina del evento organizado en la Universtat der Kunste. (Download 2386 Kbytes)

Advances in Architectural Geometry Proceedings

A menos de un mes de las conferencias, se encuentran publicadas en formato PDF (Download 80663 kbytes). En una rápida revisión, la palabra script o scripting es utilizada mas de unas treinta veces como técnica para resolver los diferentes proyectos que se presentan.

GSD: Critical Digital Conference Proceedings

Se publicó hace unas semanas Critical Digital Conference Proceedings editada por Kostas Terzidis. Evento desarrollado en la Graduate School of Design de Harvard. 46 conferencias en un solo día se inscribieron dentro de la pregunta What Matter(s)? para ofrecer una revisión y discusión sobre las tendencias, movimientos y prácticas en la cultura digital. La visión de aquellos que construyeron y tejieron las bases como Yehuda Kalay, Oliver Neumann, Branco Kolarevic, Mahesh Senagala, Sotirios Kotsopoulos se balanceó con la perspectiva de las investigaciones de una importante lista de arquitectos como Neri Oxman, Yanni Loukissas, Gun Onur en la que se incluyen también los latinoamericanos Sergio Araya (Chile) y Daniel Cardoso (Colombia) ambos de MIT.
Sobre RhinoScript estan los trabajos de Tim Schork (Cambridge, 2008). Option Explicit: Scripting as Design Media. (páginas 41-46) y Aya Okabe, Tsukasa Takenaka (Cambridge, 2008). Beyond Surface: Aspects of UVN world in Algorithmic Architecture. (páginas 195-203).
El documento con las ponencias completas puede ser descargado desde aqui (Download 22342 Kbytes)

ACADIA Excellence Awards 2008

Biological Processes and Computation
Octubre 16-19 Minneapolis
Este año es el décimo aniversario de la entrega de premios ACADIA Award of Excellence. A la fecha la han recibido Chris Yessios (1998), Karen M. Kensek (2000), BJ Novitski (Service 2001), Charles M. Eastman (Research 2001), William J Mitchell (Teaching Excellence 2001), John Tector (Research 2002), James A. Turner (Teaching Excellence 2002), Robert Aish (Society Award 2006), Mark Burry (Research 2006), Evan Douglis (Emerging Digital Practice 2006), Branko Kolarevic (Research 2007), Achim Menges (Emerging Digital Practice 2007) y el único latinoamericano en recibir el premio, el argentino Julio Bermudez (Teaching Excellence 2006).
Este año lo recibirá Fabian Scheurer (Emerging Digital Practice), Robert Woodbury (Innovative Research), Michael Weinstock (Innovative Academic Program) y el profesor Tom Maver (Society Award).
Mas información a sólo una semana del evento en la pagina oficial ACADIA 2008

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

Advanced in Architectural Geometry: Selecciones

Con la participación de 150 inscritos, el registro ha quedado cerrado. Entre las conferencias principales estará el lunes 15/set 09:00-10:30 Carlo Séquin de la UC Berkeley con Algorithmically Acquired Architectural and Artistic Artifacts (descargar PDF), también el lunes 15/set 14:30-15:30 Dennis Shelden de Gehry Technologies con Rationalization, Complexity and Emerging Ontologies of Design. El martes 16/set 14:30-15:30 Arnold Waltz de Design Production y de 17:30-18:30 Charles Walker de Zaha Hadid con Get Real (descargar PDF). El programa completo lo puede revisar desde aqui (Programme).

SIGGRAPH 2008: Imagine the algorithm

A 30 dias de inaugurada la exhibición Design & Computation realizada durante el SIGGRAPH 2008 el portal de la ACM acaba de publicar los textos en linea para aquellos que tienen suscripcion al portal de la organización. El libro tambien puede ser adquirido en linea. William J. Mitchell hace una introducción al catalogo de la exhibición bajo el titulo Imagine the algorithm.