Software Studies: Software Takes Command (Nov., 2008) by Lev Manovich Software Studies initiative DOWNLOAD THE BOOK: PDF no footnotes :: DOC includes footnotes Version: November 20, 2008.
Presentation about Scripting, 2006
Four years ago, in 2006, I started with some questions: 1) Is it possible
to explore ideas and new designs using scripts? Or scripting is only for
Rhinoscripting Workshops: NOVEMBER 2009
- WF_095 Rhinoscripting Seminar in NYC
November 11 to 23, 2009
Surface Paneling and Shading System
For further information contact workshops...
Patrón / Pattern
*Every city has its intimate pattern: the streets, squares, and other
openings that make building accesible and liable. In ancient cities and
those of No...
Hace 15 años
How did you learn to use script in design?
¿Recuerda como aprendió a programar con scripts?
Como arquitecto, piensa que la mejor manera de aprender programación para diseñar sería
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