miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Neil Leach USC (Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010)

Neil Leach (USC) at the DigitalCrafting Seminar 3 from CITA on Vimeo.
Lecture at the Danish Technological Institute- Copenhagen - 20.08.2010 in the frame of the DigitalCrafting Research Network. digitalcrafting.dk

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010

The theme, ’Machinic Processes’, refers not only to new digital fabrication processes, such as CNC milling and 3-D printing, but also to the innovative use of new parametric and algorithmic design techniques. Since 2004 the adoption of these techniques in China has been rapid. The design of buildings such as the Birds Nest stadium would not have been feasible without the use of new parametric modeling techniques and Building Information Modeling software. Meanwhile, although the construction industry in China has relied heavily on manual labor in the past, digital fabrication technologies are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the construction of buildings throughout China, and are set to play an even more significant role in the future. (Source)
Curators: Neil Leach / Xu Weiguo
West Coast (curator: Elena Manferdini)
UK (curator: Alisa Andrasek)
China (curator: Xu Feng)
East Coast (curator: David Ruy)
Australia (curator: Roland Snooks)
Europe (curator: Marta Malé-Alemany)
Asia (curator: Lisa Iwamoto)
Latin America (curator: Matias del Campo)
International (curator: Francois Roche)
Machinic Processes
Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010

Exhibition: Oct. 15 - Oct. 20, 2010
Opening Ceremony: 19:00, Oct. 15, 2010
Location: 798 Space, Beijing
Conference: Oct. 16 , 2010, Beijing DongHuangKaili Hotel(NO.16 Guangshun Nan Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Curators: Neil Leach / Xu Weiguo

viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Master's Degree in Biodigital Architecture 2010-2011

Fecha límite de preinscripción: 31 de octubre de 2010.
El Máster Universitario en Arquitectura Biodigital de la UIC se creó el año 2000 como un programa de postgrado pionero, el primero en tratar sobre la arquitectura entendida desde puntos de vista biológicos y digitales, el primero en hacer converger de manera sistemática a los fundadores del organicismo digital, la nueva vanguardia del siglo XXI.
Así, estando dentro del contexto de la Línea de Investigación “Arquitecturas Genéticas” de la ESARQ (Escuela Superior de Arquitectura), se pone especial atención al nuevo proyectar cibernético-digital y ecológico-medioambiental, para desarrollar conceptos como genético y generativo, la idea de emergencia dentro del mundo natural y digital, biomímesis, bioaprendizaje, morfogénesis, etc.
Los resultados del Master Universitario han sido publicado en Arquitecturas Genéticas I (2004), II (2006) y III (2010)
More information: CataláEspañol / English

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

SPECULATIS workshop application deadline JUNE 25th

The deadline for applications for the SPECULATIS workshop has been extended to JUNE 25th, 2010!!  To apply, contact: education@opolab.com

SPECULATIS is a workshop that introduces and explores techniques of algorithmic design and fabrication integrated with interactive components. The platform integrates seminars and construction of a design piece at natural scale - a working chandelier - as a means of investigating different techniques and potentials present in the intersection of morphological discovery through algorithmic processes, fabrication technologies, and interactivity modulation. 
The workshop will be held July 10-17th in Oporto, Portugal. Please find attached our advertising poster and press release. We thank you in advance for helping divulge this initiative. 

For general information, questions: info@speculatis.com
For applications/registration: education@opolab.com

Thank you!
Best regards,

Ezio Blasetti, ahylo :: Carla Leitao, aumstudio :: with OPO'Lab

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

TheVeryMany Practice/Lab/Factory

Image: Marc Fornes
"I have now been posting personal work about computational morphologies on www.theverymany.net since 2005 – it is now finally time to work on a new skin for THEVERYMANY™ and also update many yet non published projects."
"Note: that new website is still a Work In Progress - pages are susceptible of changes – therefore links also - so for the time being please only direct to www.theverymany.net / www.theverymany.com"
Marc Fornes

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Bill Mitchell, former dean of MIT's School of Architecture and Planning, dies at age 65

from MIT News by Scott Campbell and Ellen Hoffmane

Photo Credit: Webb Chappell, 1997
Born in 1944 and raised in rural Australia, Mitchell received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Melbourne, a Master of Environmental Design from Yale and a Master of Arts from Cambridge. He was a Fellow of both the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of six honorary doctorates. In 1997 he was awarded the annual Appreciation Prize of the Architectural Institute of Japan; he also chaired the National Academies Committee on Information Technology and Creativity. 

Before coming to MIT, Mitchell was the G. Ware and Edythe M. Travelstead Professor of Architecture and director of the Master in Design Studies Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He also served as head of the Architecture/Urban Design Program at UCLA's Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning and taught at Yale, Carnegie-Mellon and Cambridge Universities. 

Mitchell was a prolific author. In his most recent book, Reinventing the Automobile, co-authored with Christopher Borroni-Bird and Lawrence Burns (MIT Press, 2010), Mitchell reimagines the automobile for the 21st century, proposing that today's cars follow the same basic design principles as the Model T: they are well suited for conveying multiple passengers over long distances at high speeds, but inefficient for providing personal mobility within cities, where most of the world's people now live. 

Other publications include World's Greatest Architect: Making, Meaning and Network Culture (2008); Imagining: Designing a Campus for the Twenty-First Century MIT (2007); Placing Words: Symbols, Space, and the City (2005), Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City (2003); e-topia: Urban Life, Jim-But Not As We Know It (1999); High Technology and Low-Income Communities, with Donald A. Schön and Bish Sanyal (1999); City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Infobahn (1995); Digital Design Media (1991, 1995); The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era (1992); The Logic of Architecture: Design, Computation, and Cognition (1990); co author at The Electronic Design Studio (1990); con author with J., Robin S. Liggett, and Thomas Kvan, The Art of Computer Graphics Programming: A Structured Introduction for Architects and Designers (1987) and Computer-Aided Architectural Design (1977). [complete list: books/bibliography]. He also served as chair of the Editorial Board at the MIT Press since 1994 and had been a member of the publisher's Management Board since 2000. 

"Bill Mitchell was a very important thinker, truly a pioneer of the future," said Adèle Naudé Santos, current dean of the School of Architecture and Planning. "He played an extremely important role in research at the Media Lab, and because he was such a prolific writer, the significant advances he made will be with us for all time. Our community will be much diminished by his passing." 

"Bill's highly unorthodox approach to re-thinking and re-framing daunting societal problems was the essence of his brilliance," said Frank Moss, director of the Media Lab. "It has significantly impacted my thinking about how one changes the world for the better." 

Mitchell is survived by his wife, Jane Wolfson; a daughter, Emily and son-in-law, Seth Rooder of Brooklyn Heights, NY; a son, Billy of Cambridge; his mother, Joyce of Berwick, Australia; a sister, Mary Close and brother-in-law John Close of Kallista, Australia; his previous wife, Elizabeth Asmis of Chicago; and a loving extended family. 

Donations in his memory may be made to the Learning Prep School at 1507 Washington St., West Newton, MA 02465, where a technology fund will be established in his memory. 

A memorial service will be held at MIT at the new Media Lab Complex, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA, on Wednesday, June 16 at 10 a.m. Private burial services will follow at Mt. Auburn Cemetery. 

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Apomechanes 2010 (Jul 19th - Aug 06th)

Apomechanes is an intensive 3 week computational design studio held each summer in Athens, Greece. The studio is devoted to furthering techniques and concepts of algorithmic processes as means for design and fabrication. apomechanes brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds and fields of study to discuss, exchange and collaborate on projects that investigate modes of algorithmic and machinic processes in architectural design. At present computational techniques are predominantly employed in the optimization, rationalization or surface decoration of more traditionally created wholes. This research instead focuses on the inherent potential of computation to generate space and of algorithmic procedures to engage self-organization in the design process. During the workshop, participants create their own custom algorithms leading to the fabrication of working full-scale prototypes appropriate to their research trajectories. Participants engage closely with computational processes in order to develop an aesthetic and intuition of complexity that resides in a balance between design intent and emergent character.
Coordinators: Pavlos Xanthopoulos :: Ioulietta Zindrou :: Elisavet Antapassi
The studio is organized in 2 parts; the first part is the seminar and it includes a series of lectures on algorithmic design concepts, methodologies and techniques, while the second focuses on project development and fabrication. Apo Mechanes staff will review all applications and succesful applicants will be notified by June 15th. Upon receipt of the letter of acceptance participants will need to pay a 100/150/200 Euro (seminar/workshop/studio) deposit by June 31st to confirm their position.
Algorithmic Design Seminar (Monday 19th July - Monday 26th July)
Algorithmic Design Workshop (Wednesday 28th July - Friday 6th August)
Algorithmic Design Studio (Monday 19th July - Friday 6th August)

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

Seminario Sobre Métodos Generativos en Arquitectura y Diseño

ALGOMAD se celebrará los días 1, 2 y 3 de Julio en Barcelona. Consistirá en 4 talleres en paralelo sobre herramientas digitales - Grasshopper, GenerativeComponents, RhinoScript y Processing. La mañana del sábado 3 tendrá lugar la conferencia, punto de encuentro de profesionales, estudiantes y académicos interesados en las técnicas digitales como "algo más que un instrumento".

Día 1. 01/07/2010
09.00 - Inscripción y Registro de Participantes
09.30 - Talleres Grasshopper y Generative Components
13.30 - Comida (por cuenta de los asistentes)
14.30 - Talleres RhinoScript y Processing

Día 2. 02/07/2010
09.30 - Talleres Grasshopper y Generative Components
13.30 - Comida (por cuenta de los asistentes)
14.30 - Talleres RhinoScript y Processing

Día 3. 03/07/2010
09.00 - Inscripción y Registro en la Conferencia
09.30 - Algomad.org - Bienvenida del Comité.
10.00 - Ronda de Presentaciones (I)
11.00 - Café
11.45 - Informe de los Talleres.
12.30 - Ronda de Presentaciones (II)
13.15 - Ronda de Presentaciones (III)
14.00 - Despedida y Clausura.
Mas Información

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Santiago Ortiz: Complejidad-Interacción, (Lima)

Centro Cultural de España (Lima) Jueves 18 de febrero (19:30 hrs.)
Crear con complejidad significa poner del lado de la creación el azar, la emergencia, lo determinable o no, pero impredecible. Significa también usar herramientas normales en el contexto de la ciencia, como la simulación, para crear. La complejidad no es una ciencia sino un puente entre diferentes ciencias, un lenguaje compartido y una mirada particular, en la que la interacción es la generadora de realidad (es decir: patrones, estructuras, significado). Desde estos supuestos es fácil ver cómo la complejidad traspasa la ciencia y toca el arte. Más aun: establece canales para viajar entre uno y otro, para no saber si se está en uno o en otro, para no poder ya discernir la frontera entre los dos. 
En la conferencia, Santiago Ortiz introducirá varios conceptos de la complejidad (sistemas dinámicos, fractales, órbitas, atractores, puntos fijos, autómatas celulares, iteración, redes...) a través de múltiples ejemplos distribuidos entre la ciencia y el arte.
Santiago Ortiz, Matemático, investigador y creador de interfaces digitales de conocimiento. Santiago Ortiz explora las posibilidades de creación y narración colectiva en Internet. Es socio fundador de Bestiario, donde dirige un equipo de investigación -de metodología transdisciplinar- sobre redes sociales, información compleja e interactividad y visualización de datos.
Colabora: ATA / Escuelab.org

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Santiago Ortiz: taller de visualización de datos (Lima, Perú)

Teoría (obligatorio): Martes 16, al Viernes 19  - Febrero 2010 (10:00 a 14:00 hrs.)
Horario de Práctica (opcional / flexible): 14:00 pm y 20:00 pm
@ Escuelab (Belén 1044, Piso 5 - Centro  de  Lima)
Gratuito / Cupos limitados / Con inscripción!!!
Inscripciones Aqui!!
El taller está dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de la informática, las ciencias naturales, sociales, arquitectura y artes multimediales, etc, interesados en la creación de interfases para la visualización de datos.
Ejemplos de los trabajos realizados por Santiago Ortiz, pueden ser revisados aquí: http://moebio.com/santiago/

Sobre la dinámica del taller
Con un número limitado de participantes (máximo 16) se desarrollará en forma grupal, entre 4 y 6 aplicaciones informáticas funcionales que permitan la visualización de conjuntos complejos de datos. Los datos a visualizar pueden ser estadísticas de todo tipo (demografía, lenguaje, opinión pública, recursos, acceso, transporte, etc...) y pueden referirse ya sea al ámbito local o global. Sin embargo es importante que los conjuntos de datos propuestos se encuentren desde un inicio en un estado de pureza y disponibilidad que permita el desarrollo oportuno de los ejercicios/programas durante el taller (no se recomienda venir al taller a empezar a pensar en los datos a graficar, sino directamente llegar con tablas/colecciones de datos, histogramas, etc...)  
Los prototipos, se implementarán utilizando Action Script, Processing u otros lenguajes de programación que permitan manejo de gráficos a través de código. Por ello daremos inicialmente énfasis a elegir personas que manejen programación hasta completar aproximadamente el 50% de las plazas.
El otro 50% de participantes, debería tener claramente identificada su elección de datos a visualizar y trabajaría en equipo con las personas que dominen la técnica de programación para visualización.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

The Codewriting Workbook (2009)

"(...) More generally, any assemblage of points, lines, surfaces, or volumes could be described by a procedure for generating its coordinates. Such procedures could be "parametrized". This book is for adventures who want to embark on the exciting and rewarding path of meta-design. It introduces the basic principles of computer programming, relates these to the concerns of visual and spatial designers, and provides numerous examples as starting points for further development. It will challenge you to think critically about fundamental design ideas, question your assumptions, and liberate your imagination." -Foreward by William J. Mitchell
The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP by Robert J. Krawczyk
Princeton Architectural Press 2009.
Limited Preview in Books.Google. and Autolisp Function Files and Additional Material.

On Lisp (1993)

On Lisp (Prentice Hall, 1993, 432 pages, paperback. ISBN 0130305529) by Paul Graham is a comprehensive study of advanced Lisp techniques, with bottom-up programming as the unifying theme. It gives the first complete description of macros and macro applications. The book also covers important subjects related to bottom-up programming, including functional programming, rapid prototyping, interactive development, and embedded languages. The final chapter takes a deeper look at object-oriented programming than previous Lisp books, showing the step-by-step construction of a working model of the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).
As well as an indispensable reference, On Lisp is a source of software. Its examples form a library of functions and macros that readers will be able to use in their own Lisp programs. Download On Lisp or view using ISSUU.

Algorithmic Aesthetics (1978)

Algorithmic Aesthetics:
Computer Models for Criticism and Design in the Arts
by George Stiny and James Gips
Originally published by University of California Press, 1978.
The copyright was returned to the authors when the book went out of print, so Stiny and Gips are putting the book up on the web for free.