viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

LaN ON-SITE BARCELONA v2: August 2009

Live Architecture Network :: LaN :: is based in Barcelona, Spain, and will approach the investigation of the urban domain through the use of scripting and digital fabrication.
LaN announces its second ON-SITE:Barcelona workshop with modules to be held August 10-30, 2009. (Past workshop).
  • July 10, 2009: Applications open Apply Online
  • August 7, 2009: Applications Closed
  • August 10-12, 2009: PHASE I - Modules [North America and Barcelona] (1. Rhino Introduction - 12hrs + 2. RhinoFab: Rhino + Fabrication - 12hrs)
  • August 17-22, 2009: PHASE II - Modules [Barcelona @ IaaC] (3. RhinoScript - 20hrs + 4. Parametric Modelling in Rhino: Grasshopper - 20hrs + 5. Introduction to Digital Fabrication - 20hrs + 6. Machining Processes- 20hrs)
  • August 24-30, 2009: PHASE III-Urban Drifts Workshop [Barcelona @ IaaC] (‘Urban Drifts’ Workshop - 40hrs)

:: More information :: Contact :: About LaN: Monika Wittig + Luis Fraguada + Shane Salisbury + James Coleman + CarloMaria Ciampoli + Aaron Willette

1 comentario:

wiso dijo...

Gracias Pablo!